Friday, July 27, 2007

drunk was ale

more mcsorley's, nyc

sawdust on the floor


the small particles of wood or other material that fall from an object being sawed

small of or material fall an being the particles wood other that from object sawed

of material an the wood that object small or fall being particles other from sawed

material the that small fall particles from of an wood object or being other sawed

the small particles of wood or other material that fall from an object being sawed

Monday, July 16, 2007

porque yo say champana, y tu eres mierda

you think i am shit
but you are wrong
cause i'm champagne
and you're shit
until the day you die
you, not me
will always be shit

todd solondz's happiness, 1998
(the brutal breakup scene)

Monday, July 9, 2007

hendrick's gin

image by t. morley

hendrick's gin (from scotland) with langston the dog and books.

goes good with a touch of mint & tonic, or straight.